Junior, Milton. 2008. "GUYANA INDEPENDENCE." Montreal Community Contact, May 02, 15. https://search-proquest-xaaa.orc.scoolaid.net/docview/368202368?accountid=699.
This source is a scholarly article written by Milton Junior. It talks about Guyana gaining their independence and the importance of this even. Not only does it provide great information about the independence factor of Guyana, it also gives information about different kinds of music present in Guyana. This article was very helpful because it had a lot of great information.
Britannica Academic, s.v. "Guyana: Ethnic compostion," accessed November 24, 2020, https://academic-eb-xaaa.orc.scoolaid.net/levels/collegiate/assembly/view/208347.
This source was very helpful in getting all the pictures that were used on the project. While they were all taken by different people it was helpful to have all the pictures available to be used in the website. It also had many interesting pictures and graphics about Guyana.
Cambridge, Vibert C.. 2015. Musical Life in Guyana : History and Politics of Controlling Creativity. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi. Accessed November 13, 2020. ProQuest Ebook Central.
Cambridges book offers a lot of information about not only Guyana but specifically musical life that is present in Guyana. A lot of the information in the website was due to the information that is present in this book. This book goes into detail about the different music present, and why each one is popular in Guyana. It also talks a lot about the different celebrations and traditions and Guyana and how they came to be popular. Lastly, it gives a lot of information about the history of the music overtime and how it was related to the different ethnic groups present in Guyana. This text was very helpful because it was packed with information and really went into great detail about everything that happens in Guyana.
:Casimire, Astrid. 2019. "Holidays Around the Worldeval(ez_write_tag([[728,90],'stanforddaily_com-Box-3','ezslot_0']));" University Wire, Jan 02. https://marist.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://www.proquest.com/docview/2162548529?accountid=28549.
This source is also a scholarly article that is written by Astrid Casimire. Although it is not specifically about Guyana it provides good information about the Masharamani celebration that takes place in Guyana. It talks about the date it takes place as well as certain features of the actual celebration. This source was helpful because it really showed hot important this ceremony is.
Edwards, Walter F. 2013. "GUYANA CHUTNEY: HISTORY AND SOCIOLINGUISTIC FEATURES." Wadabagei : A Journal of the Caribbean and its Diaspora 14 (1) (Summer): 8-21,146. https://search-proquest-xaaa.orc.scoolaid.net/docview/2036983252?accountid=699.
Edwards is a well known author who writes articles about certain topics. This article is a scholarly article written about the tradition of Chutney music in Guyana. In this article, there is a lot of very valuable information about chutney music as well as its traditions and its history. It also offers the different features that are included in Chutney music, and gives a lot of good information. This source helped a lot, because it really showed how present Chutney is in Guyana. It also provided a lot of good information and features of this kind of music.
"Guyana." In Culture Facts. N.p., 2002. https://explore.proquest.com/sirsdiscoverer/document/2250406060?accountid=699.
While this reading was not very long, it did provide some good information about Guyana and the life that people have here. It is written by a good author and it is a scholarly source. Overall it was useful to the project and the research that was done.
Melton, J. Gordon. "Guyana." In World Religions: Belief, Culture, and Controversy, ABC-CLIO, 2020. Accessed November 24, 2020. https://religion-abc-clio-xaaa.orc.scoolaid.net/Search/Display/1612579.
Melton offers a lot of valuable information about Guyana. This is a scholarly article, and it was very helpful throughout the process of my research. It talks not only about the history of Guyana, but also the traditions that are present here as well. Overall it is a good source that was very helpful to have.
Monchoir, Cuthbert. "SHANTO IS GUYANESE CALYPSO." Everybody's, Aug 31, 1998, 30, https://search-proquest-xaaa.orc.scoolaid.net/docview/200741979?accountid=699.
Monchiors article talks about the importance of Shanto music in Guyana. This is a scholarly article and it was very useful in the research being done. This article talks about Shanto music and compares it to Calypso. It shows the importance of Shanto and how it is just the Guyanese version of Calypso. The information presented in the source was useful because it showed the importance of not only Shanto but also Calypso in the lives of the Guyanese people.
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